Femtosecond laser nanofabrication provides a new technical avenue towards micro-nanodevices. Comparing with the currently available nanofabrication approaches including photolithography, nanoimprinting, focus ion beam, it is unique in the three-dimensional (3D) processing capability and applicability to hard-processing materials. These make the new concept, stereo-integrated photonics circuits possible. The talk will introduce our recent research progress along these lines, from light-matter interaction physics to intelligent micro-nanorobots and quantum photonic chips.
Hong-Bo Sun, received the B.S. and the Ph.D degrees in electronics from Jilin University, Changchun, China, in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Satellite Venture Business Laboratory, the University of Tokushima, Japan, from 1996 to 2000, and then as an assistant professor in Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University, Japan. In 2004, he was promoted as a full professor (Changjiang Scholar) in Jilin University, and since 2017 he has been working in Tsinghua University, China. His research interests have been focused on laser precision manufacturing. He has published over 500 papers, which have been cited for over 28000 times, and H factor is 88, according to ISI search report. He is currently the executive editor-in-chief (EEIC) of Light: Science and Applications and Deputy editor-in-chief of PhotoniX (Both from Nature Publishing Group). He is IEEE, OSA and SPIE fellow.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.