The Gross-Neveu-Yukawa (GNY) chiral Ising universality class describes the phase transition of Dirac semi-metal being gapped out by Z2 bosonic fields. It is considered to be the simplest phase universality class involving fermions, just like the role Ising model plays in spins system. However, unlike most spins model, the critical exponents of GNY chiral Ising have yet to achieve consistency between different numerical methods.
In my talk, I will introduce the GNY chiral Ising universality class as well as the lattice model I use to simulate this critical point. Then I will introduce the elective-momentum ultra-size (EMUS) QMC scheme, which allows us to simulate the system with much larger effective system sizes, using even less computation time. With this, we are able to extract the critical exponents which are consistent with those from perturbed RG and conformal bootstrap.