Colossal magnetoresistance is an extraordinary enhancement of the electric conductivity in the presence of a magnetic field, an important property of matter that has been studied for decades. It is conventionally associated with a magnetic-field-induced spin polarization, which drastically reduces spin scattering, thus electric resistance. Our earlier studies uncover an intriguing exception to this rule in that the electric resistivity in a magnetic insulator is reduced by up to 7 orders of magnitude only when a spin polarization is absent [1]. Here I report a newly identified quantum state in a honeycomb material where internal loop currents flowing along edges of crystal unit cells dictate electric conductivity, providing a key element driving the novel colossal magnetoresistance [2]. The unique nature and control of the exotic quantum state, along with implications of this discovery, will be presented and discussed after a brief review of conventional colossal magnetoresistance and loop currents in other materials.
1. Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in ferrimagnetic insulator Mn3Si2Te6, Yifei Ni, Hengdi Zhao, Yu Zhang, Bing Hu, Itamar Kimchi and Gang Cao, Letter of Phys. Rev. B 103, L161105 (2021); DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.103.L161105
This event is organized by the HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics and HK Institute of Quantum Science & Technology