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Public Seminar of RPg Student:
Many-body state and transport behavior in off-stoichiometry Heusler-like metal TiFexCu2x-1Sb

Speaker Mr. Bing WEN
Affiliation The University of Hong Kong
Date February 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time 10:00 a.m.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 756 537 4665


The partially filled d- or f-orbitals can lead to a variety of novel physical properties, including optical, electrical, magnetic, and structural characteristics. Recent transport behaviors in the off-stoichiometry Heusler-like metal TiFexCu2x-1Sb, as evidenced in resistivity, Hall effect, heat capacity, and alternating-current (AC) susceptibility measurements, have demonstrated its propensity for quantum criticality and have revealed it to be a strange metal. In this seminar, we will start from the experiment results and electric structure to analyse the formation of QCPs and demonstrate its signature of strange metal. To uncover the many-body state and transport behavior in different parameter intervals, a multichannel Kondo model with random RKKY interactions could be a possible starting point.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.