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JITCP Seminar: Particle world view in crystals (Organized by the HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics)

Speaker Prof. Qian NIU
Affiliation University of Science and Technology of China
Date January 19, 2023 (Thursday)
Time 4:00 p.m.
Venue [In Person] Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong
Meeting ID: 916 4761 6307 Password: 25600


I will present a world view for electrons in crystals based the semiclassical dynamics and describe how the Berry curvatures modify the thermodynamic and transport properties.   I will then extend this point of view to spacetime crystals by introducing the concept of an even wavepacket, the quantum version of the classical event point in spacetime.  I will also describe spatial and temporal deformation, first in 3d crystals, using a geodynamic language, and obtain Hall viscosity, flexsoelectric and flexsomagnetic responses.  When the results are extended to 4d spacetime crystals, the geodynamics becomes greatly simplified and unified, allowing a fresh look of table-top general relativity.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.