We develop single photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots to generate single photons as well as entangled photon pairs. Operation at telecom wavelengths allows us to implement experiments at the single photon level on deployed optical fiber networks. Schemes to manipulate light on-chip, allowing for integration, scalability, and higher reliability are also carried out with the aim of realizing complex quantum photonic circuits.
Single photon detectors with high detection efficiency, low noise, and high time resolution are required to realize quantum communication, sensing, and information processing experiments. For this purpose, we develop superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, these find a wide range of applications including lidar and quantum microscopy. To allow for complex systems, integrated quantum optics circuits where we combine quantum sources and superconducting detectors are under development.
Prof. Val Zwiller heads the Quantum Nano Photonics group at the Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. In 2001, he received a Ph.D. in single quantum dot optics from Lund University and has rich working experience in top universities and research groups in Germany (Humboldt University), Switzerland (ETH, EPFL), the Netherlands (TU Delft), and France. Prof. Zwiller joined TU Delft in 2005 as an assistant professor and later moved the research group to KTH, Sweden. He has a deep interest in the generation, manipulation, and detection of single photons using nano-photonic devices, and has published over ~300 peer-reviewed/conference papers with ~13000 citations (Google scholar h-index 64). Along with doing fundamental research, in 2012 Prof. Zwiller co-founded a company with his former Ph.D. student Dr. Dorenbos, to commercialize cutting-edge single-photon detectors. Single Quantum B.V. now is a world-leading company designing and manufacturing SNSPDs.
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