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JITCP Seminar: Topological excitations and quantities in the fractional quantum Hall states (Organized by the HKU-UCAS Joint Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics)

Speaker Prof. Zixiang HU
Affiliation Physics Department, Chongqing University
Date November 17, 2022 (Thursday)
Time 4:00 p.m.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 983 1445 0886
Password: 25600


It was found that many of the fractional quantum Hall ground state model wavefunctions could be written as Jack polynomials with different parameters. In this talk, I will show that except the ground state, the low-lying excited states of the FQH liquids, such as the edge excitations, the bulk excitations and its related topological quantities could also be explored in this context. I will give two examples to consider the scaling dimension and fractional statistics of the FQH quasiparticles. I will also present some recent results of the topological quantity calculations from the momentum polarization, such as the Hall viscosity and guiding center spin, etc.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.