I will introduce a tensor network-based method to compute the solution space properties of a broad class of combinatorial optimization problems (e.g. spin glasses and hard core lattice gases). These properties include finding one of the optimum solutions, counting the number of solutions of a given size, and enumeration and sampling of solutions of a given size. Using the hard core lattice gas as an example, I will demonstrate how the solution space properties can deepen our understanding, and help design better quantum algorithms.
Dr. Jinguo Liu is a native Chinese. He completed his Ph.D. training in Prof. Qiang-Hua Wang's group at Nanjing University on condensed matter physics. After that, he had been a postdoc in Prof. Lei Wang's group at Institute of Physics (CAS) for two years, a full-time consultant in QuEra computing for half a year, and he is a postdoc in Prof. Mikhail Lukin's group at Harvard University and is now visiting Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research direction is diverse, while all his studies are about developing new and better algorithms for solving existing or new problems.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.