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Quantum Communication, Network and Imaging

Speaker Prof. Feihu XU
Affiliation University of Science and Technology of China
Date August 1, 2022 (Monday)
Time 2:30 p.m.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 916 4293 1324
Password: 2859


The quantum internet is a fundamentally new information infrastructure, which promises an exponential speed up in computing and an unconditionally secure communication. The key challenges to achieve quantum internet are practical security and long-distance communication. I will address our recent efforts to solve these challenges. For practical security, I will talk our experiments on chip-based quantum access network without trusted relays and the implementation of device-independent QKD. For long distance communication, I will discuss the experiments on photonic quantum repeater and large-scale network via quantum satellite. Furthermore, by exploiting the single-photon detection technique and computational algorithm, I show the results of quantum-enhanced imaging that enables unconventional imaging science over long ranges and around corners.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.