For normal medium, the Goos-Hänchen effect refers to the lateral displacement that a wave having finite cross section undergoes when it is totally internally reflected at an interface of two media having different indices of refraction. This displacement (the Goos-Hänchen shift) is supported by the presence of evanescent wave on the transmission side. However, in recent years, the Goos-Hänchen shift has been studied in other configurations in the absence of total internal reflection, such as light transmitting from a dielectric medium onto a metal, from a normal dielectric medium onto a Gyro-electric or Gyro-magnetic medium, and etc. In these medium, we notice the presence of the Transverse spin (T-spin), with electric field or magnetic field containing a non-zero longitudinal component parallel to the propagation direction, could be a more fundamental cause to the Goos-Hänchen effect. In addition, we would like to define a new T-spin, which is constructed by a mixture of E field and D field components along orthogonal directions, due to the consideration of the boundary conditions – the continuation of tangential E field and normal D field across the interface. Our study wants to show that the Goos-Hänchen effect is mainly contributed by two factors: the change of T-spin on the incident medium side, and the presence of T-spin in transmission.
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