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Public Seminar of RPg Student:
Momentum space quantum Monte Carlo on twisted bilayer Graphene

Speaker Mr. Xu ZHANG
Affiliation The University of Hong Kong
Date June 16, 2021 (Wednesday)
Time 11:00 a.m.
Venue Rm 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
ZOOM Meeting ID: 974 2478 6250; Password: 340225


Twisted bilayer Graphene (TBG) has been attracting lots of researchers because of its simple structure and amazing characters in magic angle situation. After years of researching, there are still lots of questions hard to answer due to strong correlation of electrons in it. Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) is a powerful tool dealing with strong correlation systems. So, we developed QMC in momentum space for characters calculation in TBG. I will introduce the BM model in real space and momentum space describing TBG first. And sign structure of momentum space QMC will be listed in half filling TBG. Single particle excitation serves as a benchmark with exact solution. Finally, I give some proposals for next step research.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.