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Viscous Hydrodynamics of Fermions in One Dimension

Speaker Prof. Wade DeGottardi
Affiliation Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas Tech University
Date March 10, 2021 (Wednesday)
Time 10:00 a.m.
Venue ZOOM Meeting Link:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 975 4974 7063
Password: 25600


In this talk, I will discuss recent work on the hydrodynamics of one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional Fermi gases and electron liquids. I will focus on the bulk viscosity, a transport coefficient associated with changes of density. The bulk viscosity has direct experimental relevance to the transport properties of quantum wires with inhomogeneous electron densities as well as to the damping of breathing modes of atomic Fermi gases. This classical hydrodynamic description breaks down at frequencies large compared with the rate of fermion backscattering. This regime, which has been the subject of recent theoretical interest, is described by two-fluid behavior. As in the case of superfluid helium-4, the two-fluid regime requires not one but three bulk viscosities.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.