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Public Seminar of RPg Student:
Hunting for Higher-order Topological Superconductors and Majorana Hinge Modes

Speaker Mr. Ziang HU
Affiliation The University of Hong Kong
Date February 25, 2021 (Thursday)
Time 2:30 p.m.
Venue ZOOM Meeting ID: 793 190 367


Majorana modes in topological superconductors have attracted much attention in condensed matter physics, for their promising application in quantum computation. Recently discovered higher-order topological superconductors reveals more Majorana modes survive on different boundaries like Majorana corner states and hinge states. Many questions about these novel states remain, such as the platform that can realize these states and the methods that can detect them, which are worth further exploration. In this probation talk, I’ll give a brief introduction to the problems that remained and methods that can be used to solve these problems.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.