Around 80 years ago, Ettore Majorana noticed that the solution of the Dirac equation has a new form which describes zero energy and neutral fermions, completely different from the well-known Dirac fermions. Searching for such Majorana fermions is still undergoing in particle physics. While in condensed matter physics it has already been found a similar behavior to Majorana fermions in certain kinds of quasiparticles in the low-energy excitations of topological superconductors. Due to the non-Abelian braiding statistics of Majorana bound states (MBSs) it has been proposed as a basis for topological quantum computers which would be protected from decoherence. There has been growing interest in the condensed matter community to find a way to realize MBSs in theory and in the laboratory. Numerous schemes for realizing MBSs and exchange them (braiding) to realize the desired non-Abelian statistics have been proposed. In this seminar, models describing quasi-one-dimensional systems that hold MBSs will be reviewed. Different schemes to braid the MBSs will be discussed. In particular, the most promising scheme, nanowire networks, will be introduced in detail. Some primary results calculated in cross-junction and hall bar structure will be presented.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.