The Large Hardon Collider (LHC), located in CERN, is the largest proton-proton collider in the world, with the center-of-mass energy in each collision at 13 TeV. The collisions under such high energy could reproduce the physics condition just after the Big Bang so that we could see what it was like in the early universe, which helps to understand the basic law of universe. The Standard Model (SM) is regarded as the most successful model in particle physics, although it still has some open questions to be answered. Supersymmetry (SUSY) could be an appealing extension for SM by introducing new supersymmetric partners of known bosons and fermions in SM. SUSY could provide not only natural solutions to the hierarchy problem in SM but also possible candidates for dark matter. This research is to search for new SUSY particles at LHC by ATLAS detector by focusing on some specific signal scenarios such as same-sign two leptons or three leptons as decay products of SUSY particles. The same-sign or three leptons channels are sensitive to many SUSY models and the leptonic final states can remove many sources of SM background. By analyzing large sample of data collected from high energy proton-proton collision in ATLAS detector, we aim to search for the production of new SUSY particles and if no significant excess over SM predictions is observed from data, we will calculate the model-independent upper limits or exclusion limits of SUSY models which is as well a good opportunity to verify potential theories that describe new physics.
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