Lecture 1: The Phenomenology and Fundamental Issues of Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Time: 10:00 am
The newly discovered superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene has generated tremendous interests from the condensed matter community. Remarkably, the observed superconductors are accompanied by a sequence of insulating phases. In the first lecture, I shall discuss the remarkable phenomenology of this system, and point out the special pattern hidden in the phase diagram. I shall then point out that this pattern is governed by a special selection rule, which imposes strong constraints on theoretical descriptions.
Lecture 2: Twisted 2D Metals and Tunneling between Superconducting States in Twisted Bilayer Materials
Time: 2:30 pm
There are two topics in this Lecture. The first is to generalize twist bilayer graphene (a semi-metal) to twisted bilayer metals, and to point out their special properties. The second is to introduce a simple way to produce high quality tunneling junctions in all twisted materials which allows a detailed determination of the broken symmetries in these systems.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.