In order to satisfy the development of the particle physics experiments in the future, the scale and integration level of front-end electronics will be higher. Traditional analog will be replaced eventually by special digital integrated circuits, especially the waveform sampling technology. Acquiring and digitalizing the waveform output from the detector, all the physical information can be obtained. Moreover, with the development of the chip technology, the front-end electronics is expected to be positioned closely to the detector, so that SNR will be better and less information is lost.
Giuliano Mini, graduated from the University of Genoa, Italy, who is the senior marketing manager at CAEN SpA (Italy). With the Long-term participation in the measurement and product development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), He has much experience in nuclear physics application and technology. For the future development of high-energy physics experiments, he has new ideas.
CAEN SpA is acknowledged as the only company in the world providing a complete range of High/Low voltage power supply systems and Front-End/Data Acquisition modules. Extensive Research and Development capabilities allowed CAEN SpA to play an important long-term role in this field. CAEN activities have always been at the forefront of technology. Strenghened with the experience in the physics research, CAEN instruments have many advanced applications nowadays.
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