Pulsar Wind Nebulae(PWNe) are believed to be a window for understanding the acceleration mechanism of high energy cosmic rays. My research focuses on observing radio emission of PWNe surrounding energetic pulsars. The aim is to search for small-scale structures to locate the cosmic ray acceleration sites. We observed PWNe around PSR B1706-44 and the Vela pulsar in a high spatial resolution using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). With a resolution 10”, the 6cm radio image of the PWN around PSR B1706-44 revealed a clover-like structure around the pulsar, confirming what was hinted by the previous observations. My new image shows some more detailed structures in the PWN. For the next step, I will produce the 3cm radio image of PSR B1706-44 and derive the magnetic field in the PWN as well as compare the radio images with X-ray observation for more information about the acceleration mechanism in pulsar wind nebulae.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.