Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are an enigmatic class of extragalactic transients emitting Jy-level radio bursts in the GHz-band, lasting for only a few ms. So far, only two objects are known to repeat while others are not, likely indicating multiple origins. There are many theoretical models, some predict prompt VHE or optical emission correlated with FRBs while others imply VHE afterglows hours after the FRB. To test these predictions and unravel the natures of FRB progenitor, the stereoscopic IACT system MAGIC has been participating in FRB observation campaigns since 2016. As IACTs are sensitive to Cherenkov photons in the UV/blue wavelengths and use photo-detectors with time response faster than ms, MAGIC is also able to perform simultaneous optical observations through a dedicated system installed in the central PMT of its camera. The main challenge faced by MAGIC in searching for optical counterpart of FRBs is the presence of irreducible background optical events due to terrestrial sources. In this contribution, we present the recently improved instrument and refined strategy to search for counterparts of FRBs in the VHE and optical bands. Results from MAGIC observations of the first repeating FRB 121102 during several MWL observation campaigns will also be presented.
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