Due to the exceptional solar cell performance among emerging photovoltaic technologies, metal organic halide perovskites have been attracting increasing attention in recent years. Despite the outstanding performance of organic lead halide perovskites in solar cells, the development of lead-free metal organic halide perovskites is commonly considered to be necessary for the market acceptance due to the toxicity and water solubility of lead. From theoretical study, hundreds of perovskite materials have not been studied experimentally. Only fewer metal organic halide perovskite compounds have been synthesized. A large number of combinations have to be studied experimentally. A quick screening method to select potential combination of precursors can significantly shorten the time for find appropriate combinations. Here a straightforward technique suitable for screening precursor combinations for metal organic halide perovskite synthesis was presented. It enabled simultaneous evaluation of nine combinations at a time. Detailed characterizations of different lead-free perovskite materials were conducted. Some of them were unreported in the past. Four of the prepared perovskite materials exhibit significant absorption in the visible spectral range. And two of those also exhibit a strong luminescence. There perovskite materials are very promising for optoelectronic device applications. This work will be of significant interest for researchers working on synthesis of novel lead free perovskite materials.
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