The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) is an astronomical facility located in Teruel, mainland Spain, mostly devoted to conduct large sky multi-filter surveys with two large field of view telescopes of 2.5m and 80cm and their respective panoramic instrumentation. The main survey to be carried out in the next years will be J-PAS (Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey). Conceived as a Dark Energy experiment to do BAOs, SNe, galaxy clusters and weak lensing, J-PAS is expected to reach 8500 deg^2 of the sky visible from Javalambre with a set of 54 narrow-band contiguous optical filters plus 5 broader ones, performing in the end as a low resolution integral field unit for the Northern hemisphere. In this sense it will provide unprecedented spectral energy distributions for every pixel of the sky, and ultimately for more than 200 million galaxies and stars. In advance, J-PLUS (Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey) has already started to observe the same sky area of J-PAS with 12 narrow, intermediate and broad-band filters aimed to provide the photometric calibration of J-PAS, and unprecedented multicolor data for many fields of the Astrophysics. More than 1000 deg^2 have been completed so far. Both J-PAS and J-PLUS will provide powerful 3D views of the Universe that will be made publicly available to the community as legacy projects. In this talk I will introduce the OAJ, J-PAS and J-PLUS, their respective motivations, deployment and current status, to end up with some first scientific results in several areas of Astrophysics.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.