Pulsars are fast spinning neutron stars produced by supernova explosions of massive stars and they possess extremely high magnetic fields from 108G to 1012G. Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are fastest-rotating pulsars with periods from about one to several tens of milliseconds. They are believed to be spun up in binary systems. Their surface magnetic fields are small compared with normal pulsars, but they usually possess large magnetic fields near the outer gaps due to their small light cylinder radii. This makes some MSPs have broadband emission properties similar to young pulsars.
This project aims to understand the high-energy emission properties of energetic MSPs. I focus on three energetic rotation-powered MSPs─B1937+21, B1821-24 and J0218+4232. Firstly, I will talk about the X-ray spectra of these MSPs. Then, I will report the results of timing analysis using NuSTAR data. I will also talk about my research plan, to focus on analyzing gamma-ray data and build a theoretical model to explain the emission.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.