The primordial nucleosynthesis right after the big bang (BB) is one of the key elements that support the BB model. BBN is well known that it produced primarily light elements, and explains reasonably well the element abundance. However, there remains one serious problem, call the Li problem in BBN. The BBN simulation together with recent detailed micro-wave background measurements BBN explain most light elements including D, 4He, etc, but the 7Li abundance is over predicted roughly by a factor of three.
The primordial 7Li was considered to be produced mostly by the electron capture of 7Be in the late stage of BBN. Thus, the question for nuclear physics side is whether 7Be is overproduced or less destructed during the BBN stage. Since the production of 7Be is by the 3He(α,γ) which is quite well known, the problem may be the destruction rate of 7Be. The 7Be(n,p) reaction is considered to be the main destruction reaction, but it is well investigated and thus it seems hard to change the rate by a factor of three. The next possible channel was 7Be(n,α) reaction, and almost no experimental works reported before. Recently, several experiments were performed or being performed by the direct and indirect methods. I will discuss these reaction studies of 7Be(n,α), including our activities and the result. The conclusion is that the reaction rate proposed by Wagoner et al. and currently being used is roughly one order of magnitude too large. Thus, the Li problem has not been solved, giving a more difficulty.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.