As we know, a moire pattern is formed due to the lattice mismatch and crystal orientation when two lattice structures are overlaid. With advancements in 2D materials, one can easily meet moire patterns in stacking heterostrutures or homostructures, such as, bilayer graphene, graphene on hexagonal boron nitride, bilayer TMDs. Such moire patterns can be viewed as artificial superlattice potential and would reconstruct the electronic structure of existing materials.
Our research mainly focuses on impacts of moire topology mass terms on electronic structure of monolayer 2D materials. More specifically, we are trying to investigate the relation between moire minibands and the topology of moire mass modulations, which are applied to monolayer 2D materials. With the nearest neighbor tight binding models, electronic structures of studied systems were obtained for two extreme cases--graphene like and hexagonal boron nitride like mass modulation. We have analyzed dispersions, DOS, LDOS of those two cases in a small twist angle range. In future research, we will use continuum models to investigate moire band structures in TMDs, electronic states in moire pattern with defects.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.