When x-ray and radioactivity were discovered at the turn of twentieth century, they were readily put into uses in medicine, industry and research. It was also very soon to realize that they could pose health hazards to workers and members of public despite their beneficial uses. Radiation protection consideration has become indispensable for ensuring safe uses of ionizing radiation. In particular, a branch of physics called health physics had taken shape in the forties when complex radiation safety issues were encountered in the then newly born nuclear industry.
Nowadays, ionizing radiations are used for various purposes like medical, industrial, security, safety, power generation, teaching and research. Health physicists have faced both opportunities and challenges in their practices to protect against radiation hazards and to ensure safe uses of ionizing radiation in these applications. This talk will provide a general picture of the health physics practice and the prospects of being a health physicist in Hong Kong.
Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.