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Public Seminar of RPg Student:
Measurement of Ferroelectricity of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers

Speaker Mr. Siyuan YANG
Affiliation The University of Hong Kong
Date May 4, 2016 (Wednesday)
Time 3:30 p.m.
Venue Rm 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU


Recently, layered transition metal dichalcogenide materials (TMDs) have caught more and more researchers’ interests due to their unique optical and electrical properties including indirect-to-direct band gap transition and valley polarization, etc. Meanwhile, some researchers are aiming on the application of this kind of material, for instance, interfacing atomically thin TMDs and ferroelectric thin films to form new nonvolatile memory. Compared with existing thin film ferroelectric field-effect transistors (FET), this new structure shows greater memory performance. In this seminar, a brief review of recent works on ferroelectric FET with ultrathin TMDs will be given. Based on that, we want to find if TMD monolayers themselves are ferroelectric. An experimental scheme to directly measure the ferroelectricity of TMD monolayers will be proposed.

Anyone interested is welcome to attend.