Weyl semimetal is a three-dimensional material with even numbers of gapless points in momentum space. These gapless points are called Weyl nodes. Near each Weyl node there is a linear the dispersion of energy and momentum, which can be described by Weyl equation. Each Weyl node is associated with a chirality. Due to fermion doubling theorem, a Weyl node should have to be paired with another Weyl node with opposite chirality. In general, the number of particles in each Weyl node are conserved. But when electromagnetic field is applied, the conservation's law will be broken. This phenomena is called chiral anomaly. Chiral anomaly will lead to some significant phenomenon on transport properties of Weyl semimetal, such as negative magnetoresistance, anomalous Hall and chiral magnetic effect. In my research, we will use Boltzmann equation to calculate the magnetoresistance. Our work begins with the modified classical equations of motion, then use relaxation time approximation to solve the Boltzmann equation. Comparing with previous works, the classical cyclotron motion term and the orbital moment term will be considered. Our calculation is constricted in low-energy and small magnetic field approximation. We will try to give a complete semi-classical theory on magnetoresistance of Weyl semimetal under this framework.
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