Neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) is a hypothetical nuclear process that, if observed, would show that neutrinos are Majorana particles. EXO-200 is a current double beta decay search, located at WIPP in the United States, which uses a low-background time projection chamber to observe 0νββof 136Xe. It has established one of the strongest limits on the effective Majorana neutrino mass, and has constrained some exotic physics using its 100 kg·yr dataset. EXO-200 operation was interrupted in February 2014 due an underground fire and a radiological event. The EXO-200 collaboration plans to restart and accumulate more statistics and incorporate technical upgrades that will significantly improve the sensitivity reach of the experiment. The nEXO experiment, a tonne-scale proposed successor to EXO-200, is under active R&D. nEXO will continue the search for 0νββof 136Xe in a low background time projection chamber containing 5 tonnes of enriched liquid xenon. The 90% C.L. half-life sensitivity of nEXO is estimated to be 6:6 x 1027 years with 5 years of data. This talk will cover the latest results and the planned restart of EXO-200 as well as the current progress of R&D and the physics potential of nEXO.