Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) are synchrotron-emitting bubbles of shocked relativistic particles in the pulsar environment, powered by the pulsars' relativistic winds. PSR B1509-58 is a young pulsar which has a high spin-down luminosity of ~1.8 x 1037 erg/s and a surface magnetic field strength of ~1.5 x 1013 G. It powers a complex PWN system MSH 15-52 which resembles a hand in X-rays and has a physical size over 10 pc. We present high resolution radio polarimetric study of the PWN at 6 cm and 3 cm using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The radio emission shows a highly polarized sheath that anti-correlates with the X-ray jet. We also identify polarised filaments and wisps in this PWN.
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