In this talk, I will first present a new numerical scheme to calculate the non-local, two-particle vertex functions beyond the dynamic mean field theory (DMFT) simulations, in which one first measures the local vertex functions in DMFT, then introduces the momentum-dependence into the two-particle vertex and correlation functions with the help of two-particle diagrammatic techniques - Bethe-Salpeter equation and parquet equations. I will then present the application of such scheme to the measurement of superconductivity instabilities in several strongly correlated systems: in Hubbard model on square lattice with type-II van Hove singularity, a topological p+ip triplet pairing instability can be seen; in the t2g multi-orbital correlated system with strong spin-orbit coupling, a two-fold degenerate, topological, p-wave triplet pairing instability is observed when Hund's coupling is comparable with spin-orbit coupling, and a d-wave singlet pairing state is found in when Hund's coupling is small.
Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.