The Dayabay Neutrino Experiment is dedicated to the precision measurement for the non-trivial neutrino mixing angle θ13 , by utilizing the disappearance of antineutrino flux and energy distribution at different baseline from Daya Bay nuclear power plant. In the detection of inverse beta decay, cosmic-ray muon induced neutron and radioactive isotopes forms the major background and therefore should be better studied.
In the seminar, the basic principles of neutrino oscillation and configurations of the Daya Bay antineutrino detectors will be reviewed. The computational model to reconstruct the scintillation process inside the anti-neutrino detector will be introduced and the study of the calibration procedure using radioactive isotopes in AD will be demonstrated. We will also present the newest utilization result using different fitting method and interpolations of the calibration data in the Daya Bay ADs. The result of this study will also be compared with the simulation result in NuWa.