We consider a spinor BEC with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. We first study the ground state phase diagram of the system calculated based on the mean-field framework. It is predicted that at T=0 the ground state contains three different quantum phases. We then study the dynamical properties in these three phases, including the Bogoliubov spectrum in the bulk and the dipole mode in a trap. For the trapped case, we find the dipole oscillation is deeply influenced by the spin degree of freedom, and the frequency deviates from the harmonic trap frequency. In the bulk, the Bogoliubov spectrum exihibits a roton structure in the spin-polarized phase, while in stripe phase it shows a supersolid like double gapless band structure. The sound velocities in different phases are also studied, and a new relation between the sound velocity, the compressibility and the spin polarizability is pointed out.