Sunlight is sustainable, clean and readily available energy source, which is one of the potential alternatives to the traditional energy sources. Recently, the organic photovoltaics (OPVs), in particular polymer solar cells (PSCs), have attracted increasing attention owing to their outstanding properties such as low cost, lightweight, flexible, allowing vacuum-free fabrication process and thin-film architecture. These advantageous material and manufacturing features of PSCs provide the opportunities for many novel applications. However, the lower power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of PSCs compared to inorganic solar cells hinder their competition in the marketplace.
This seminar covers the basic principles of the PSC, strategies for enhancing PCEs as well as the recent development of PSCs. The importance of the source materials has been also demonstrated and discussed. Due to a large number of possibilities, limited resources and time, it is not feasible to do all the work experimentally. Therefore, for continuing advance development of PSCs, the device performance should be modeled as a function of material parameters, which requires the knowledge of material properties, in particular the complex index of refraction N=n-ik. Accurate determination of the optical functions of the active layers and light trapping layers commonly used in PSCs by using the spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) has been demonstrated. In order to acquire reliable solutions, the methodology including multiple sample analysis, combinations of different measurement techniques, selection of models, the rigorous fitting procedures and the independent verification have been proposed. The obtained information can be used in the simulation to optimize device architectures, model device performance as well as characterize novel materials.