A coplanar/lateral microheater design using Ni alloy (DilverP1) for micromachined Si substrate was fabricated and experimentally verified for the first time. The design has the novelty of using single lithographic mask as the microheater and interdigitated sensing electrode are placed side by side on the same layer.
Zinc Oxide sensing film was then synthesized by a low cost and low temperature chemical deposition method using Sodium Zincate bath. All the structural, morphological and optical characterizations have been done to study the nanocrystalline nature and defects introduced in the Zinc Oxide sensing film.
Two different sensor device structures e.g. 1) planar resistive for methane and hydrogen and 2) Metal –Insulator-Metal or MIM for sensing methane were investigated.
Effect of ohmic (Ni alloy) and catalytic (Pd-Ag) contact on sensor response, response/recovery time and operating temperature was also calculated in detail.
A second attempt has been made to observe the sensing performance of ZnO nanorod (using Hexamethylenetetramine and Zinc acetate) based Volatile Organic Compound sensor. VOC’s like ethanol, methanol and acetone vapour have been tested and characterised to study the effect of noble metal (Pd) on sensing performance. It was found that the response magnitude of Pd sensitized sensor was the highest with appreciably low response time.
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