This talk presents a short description on how laser and nonlinear optics has impacted all areas of science and technology in the past fifty plus years. A few selected topics of recent interest will be discussed.
About the Speaker
Prof. Yuen-Ron Shen is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, known for his work on non-linear optics. He received Ph.D. at Harvard in 1963, and joined Berkeley in 1964. He is best known for his pioneering contributions in nonlinear optics and its applications in material study. Among his works, self-focusing of laser beams in materials, second-harmonic generation and sum frequency generation spectroscopy are best known and also widely used by scientists from various fields now. He is member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the US National Academy of Sciences, Academia Sinica, and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Shen has received numerous awards, including Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids and Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science.
Physics colloquium series is organized to introduce cutting edge researches and new development in physics, designed to be suitable to graduate and undergraduate students, and also to scientists working on different fields. Each colloquium will generally start with an extensive introduction of the background of the field, followed by forefront research topics and results. The colloquium will serve as an education forum for students and laymen alike, and also serve as a platform for exchange and update their knowledge of various branches of physics among academic staff members.
Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the Colloquium.