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Joint Seminar of Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics & Department of Physics:
The Scattering between Ultracold Atoms with Spin-orbit Coupling

Speaker Prof. Peng Zhang
Affiliation Renmin University of China
Date February 6, 2013 (Wed)
Time 4:30 p.m.
Venue Room 522, 5/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU


We developed an ab. initio approach for the low-energy scattering problem of ultracold atoms with spin-orbit (SO) coupling. We derive the modified Bethe-Peierles boundary condition for the systems with SO coupling, and obtain the analytical expression of the low-energy inter-atomic scattering amplitude, as well as the algebra equation for the two-atom bound-state energy. With our result we examine the validity of the effective contact interaction for the SO-coupled ultracold gases. Collaborating with the USTC experimental group, we also study the stability of excited dressed state with SO coupling.

Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.