Quantum liquid, such as superconductors, superfluids, and Bose- Einstein condensation, is a key ingredient of modern physics. In particular, two-dimensionally confined quantum liquid, fractional quantum Hall (FQH) liquid, shows versatile peculiar phenomena not observed in other dimensions, such as fractional charges and statistics, chiral edge states, other than zero-longitudinal resistance and the quantized Hall resistance to a universal value. In the first part of my talk, I will present real-space images of FQH liquids recently obtained by spin-resolved scanning optical microscopy and spectroscopy. The FQH liquids behave something like water engulfing a low-lying landscape, despite their profound quantum character. In the second part, I will present coherent manipulation of nuclear spins in a nano-scale using degenerate FQH ground states toward quantum information processing using nuclear spins. If time allows, I will briefly explain our proposal to demonstrate quantum protocol termed "quantum energy teleportation" in a quantum Hall system by taking advantage of the one-dimensional Chiral edge channels.
Coffee and tea will be served 20 minutes prior to the seminar.