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KE and Outreach


All School Talks School Visits
Campus visit from True Light Middle School of Hong Kong – Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Campus visit from YMCA Camp – Sun Observation

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Campus visit from Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College – Observatory Visit & Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Campus visit from Buddish Mau Fung Memorial College – Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Talk @ MySchool Programme: "Renewable Energy" at TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College

Speaker: Dr. A.B. Djurišić

School Talks
Talk for Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College – "Recent Discoveries in the Solar System"

Speaker: Dr. J.C.S. Pun

School Talks
Talk at Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College – “White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes”

Speaker: Prof. K.S. Cheng

School Talks
Campus visit from C&MA Sun Kei Secondary School – Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Campus visit from CNEC Lau Wing Sang College – Observatory Visit & Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits
Campus visit from Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School – Superconductor Demonstration

Teacher in charge: Dr. K.M. Lee

School Visits