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KE and Outreach


Dr. Z.Y. Meng, Dr. L.X. Dai and their team deploy a new advanced computing system ‘Blackbody’ for solving the most challenging physics problems. Blackbody currently has 1024 physical CPU cores and multiple storage systems. If a person can do one calculation every second, it takes 650 thousand years for the person to calculate all the calculations that Blackbody can compute in just one second. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Dr. C.J. Wang and Dr. Y. Yang received the National Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) for 2022, a prestigious fund under the National Natural Science Foundation of China. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Mr. Jiarui Zhao, Dr. Zheng Yan and Dr. Bin-Bin Chen from Dr. Z.Y.Meng’s team reported a numerical evidence to characterise a highly entangled quantum matter—the quantum spin liquid (QSL) (a phase of matter that remains disordered even at very low temperatures) from their newly development algorithm of entanglement entropy computation and large-scale simulations on supercomputers. This research work has recently been published in one of the leading journals in quantum materials—npj quantum materials. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Starting from 2021-22, the Department of Physics has been offering the Taught postgraduate degree programme Master of Science in the field of Space Science. We offer a multi-discipline curriculum incorporating subjects ranging from science, engineering, remote sensing to data science and even entrepreneurship. The first group of students will graduate in July 2022, and they are moving on to fruitful careers spanning space industry, engineering, IT, finance and further studies. Dr J.C.S. Pun was interviewed by Ming Pao JUMP on June 8, 2022.

Dr. Z.Y. Meng's research team developed a new algorithm to compute the entanglement entropy, advancing the exploration of new phenomena of deconfined quantum critical point. Their method will have impact in the investigations of quantum many-body systems and quantum materials. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Dr. Z.Y. Meng's research team demystify the magic: A bona fide topological Mott insulator discovered in twisted bilayer graphene model. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Dr. Z.Y. Meng's research team developed a new algorithm solving a long standing problem in constrained quantum material models. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Prof. H.K. Lo was interviewed by Apple Daily on quantum technology in China and the world.

Dr. Z.Y. Meng is pursuing a new paradigm of quantum material research reveals topological KT phase of TMGO for the first time. It was reported by different newspapers and media:

Dr. Z.Y. Meng joins international effort to unveil the behaviour of “strange metals”. It was reported by different newspapers and media: